Saturday, August 25, 2012

That doesn't impress me

The fact that you can blow thru two thousand dollars a week, doesn't impress me.  The fact that you buy me nice gifts, day after day, should impress me, but it doesn't.  You see, I've figured out the reason for the gifts, it's to keep me blinded from all the other bull that you have going on, mainly, the chick (or chicks) on the side.  I will admit, the gifts were nice and they kept me blinded, for just a little while, but I've cleaned off my visual lens, and I can see as clear as a sunny day.
I'm not impressed by your status in the world, nor am I impressed by the amount of money that you make.  You want to impress me? give me these things:  Try loving me and only me! Try showing me some respect, not just to my face, but when your away! Your undivided attention when I need it.  You want to shower me with something?  Shower me with you and your thoughtfulness, not your money or your status.

Men, this is fact! A good woman wants your time and attention.  She wants to feel loved and respected.  She wants to feel like she is the only woman in the world for you and that she's woman enough for you.  Yes, the gifts are nice, but buy them because you truly care and not to cover up your indiscretions.

Men with status, i.e. (some, not all) actors, athletes, singers, can have the best woman in the world at home.  One that stood by him, when people didn't know their name, when things weren't always the best, but loved you anyway.  But yet, when the status and money comes, there seems to be a BIGGER ego that comes with it.  Now you have all kind of women throwing them selves at you: and you fall for it.

Let me let you in on something; YOU'RE STUPID.  those woman don't really want you for love, they want you for the things that you can give them and to simply say that they have been with a man of "STATUS." Some women even go as far, wanting to have a baby, because they know that keeps the money coming.  Why jeopardize your home life, for someone who want nothing from (other than sex) and that wants nothing more than to destroy you?  Because most of those type of women, when they don't get what they want, either, tell your wife, main chick, etc. or tell the press.  And now you want to look silly in the face.  How many times have you seen this happen? ALOT.   STOP BEING STUPID.  That would impress me!


  1. This is abosolutel true. Every time my was-band was messing around I knew it. I loved flowers and he felt flowers was a waste. One day I GOT FLOWERS!!! Yea, I got flowers and that marked the moment in time that I realized he was a cheater and was trying to appease his conscious. So no, I don't think its a male bash, it's just truth.

  2. "Why jeopardize your home life, for someone who want nothing from (other than sex) and that wants nothing more than to destroy you?"

    Why when I feel I have the most supportive woman on the planet that God has bless me with? I am in love and I love God, I don't want to lose what I have over foolishness
